Events at the Miamisburg Temple are marked with an asterisk (*)
Stated Meetings, Convocations, Assemblies, and Conclaves
First Monday
* Acacia Forest #184
Tall Cedars of Lebanon. 6:30pm
* Valley Commandery #80. 7:30pm
Jefferson Lodge #90. 7:00pm
Washington Lodge #17. 7:30pm
Camden Lodge #159. 7:30pm
Englewood Lodge #743. 7:30pm
Springfield Council #17. 7:30pm
Bellefontaine Commandery #61. 7:30pm
First Tuesday
* Trinity Chapter #44. 7:30pm
West Carrollton Lodge #737. 7:00pm
Eastern Star Lodge #55. 7:30pm
Fellowship Lodge #106. 7:30pm
Waynesville Lodge #163. 7:30pm
Hugh L. Bates Lodge #686. 7:30pm
Vandalia Lodge #742. 7:30pm
Twin Valley Chapter #240. 7:30pm
Henry A. Weeks Council #137. 8:00pm
Delphos Council #72. 7:30pm
(Jan., March, June, Sept)
Findlay Council #50. 8:30pm
Reed Commandery #6. 7:30pm
First Wednesday
Middletown Chapter #87. 7:00pm
Victory Chapter #240. 7:30pm
Middletown Council #136. 8:00pm
Nathaniel Greene Commandery #81. 7:30pm
First Thursday
Lebanon Lodge #26. 7:30pm
Oxford Lodge #67. 7:30pm
Bolivar Lodge #82. 7:30pm
High Point Lodge #773. 7:30pm
Huber Heights Lodge #777. 7:30pm
Hubert O. Auburn Council #149. 7:30pm
First Friday
John W. Durst Lodge #716. 7:30pm
First Saturday
Solar Lodge #730. 9:00am
Butlerville Lodge #135. 7:30pm
Second Monday
Brookville Lodge #596. 7:00pm
Millennium Lodge #779. 7:00pm
Lebanon Chapter #5. 7:30pm
Friendship Chapter #245. 7:30pm
Silver Trowel Council #141. 7:30pm
Jerusalem Commandery #75. 7:30pm
Second Tuesday
St. Johns Lodge #13. 7:30pm
Alpha Lodge #729. 7:30pm
Wilmington Chapter #63. 7:30pm
Twin Valley Chapter #240. 7:30pm
Lima Council #20. 7:30pm
Blanchester Council #114. 7:30pm
Second Wednesday
Farmersville Lodge #482. 7:30pm
Mason Lodge #678. 7:30pm
Cincinnati Council #1. 7:30pm
St. Marys Council #81. 7:30pm
Second Thursday
* Miamisburg Temple Association monthly meeting. 6:30pm
* Minerva Lodge #98. 7:30pm
King Hiram Lodge #80. 7:30pm
Dayton Lodge #147. 7:30pm
Germantown Lodge #257. 7:30pm
Xenia Chapter #36. 7:30pm
Second Friday
* Adoniram Council #131. 7:30pm
Vandalia Lodge Monthly Dinner. 5:00 to 7:00pm
Third Monday
* Valley Commandery #80.
Covered dish dinner at 6:30pm
Englewood Lodge #743. 7:30pm
Kenton Council #65. 7:30pm
Logan Council #85. 7:30pm
Wright Council #96. 7:30pm
Lebanon Council #134. 7:30pm
Palestine Commandery #33. 7:30pm
Third Tuesday
* Trinity Chapter #44. 7:30pm
Unity Chapter #16. 1:00pm (March, June, September, December)
Eastern Star Lodge #55. 7:30pm
Fellowship Lodge #106. 7:30pm
Vandalia Lodge #742. 7:30pm
Urbana Council #59. 7:30pm
New Carlisle Council #143. 7:30pm
Reed Commandery #6. 7:30pm
Third Wednesday
Victory Chapter #240. 7:00pm
Matchett Council #91. 7:30pm
John H. Campbell Council #147. 8:00pm
Third Thursday
Huber Heights Lodge #777. 7:30pm
Reese Council #9. 7:00pm
Hillsboro Council #16. 7:30pm
Third Friday
John W. Durst Lodge #716. 7:30pm
Third Saturday
Solar Lodge #730. 9:00am
Fourth Monday
Brookville Lodge #596. 7:00pm
Millennium Lodge #779. 7:00pm
Raper Commandery #19. 7:30pm
Fourth Tuesday
St. Johns Lodge #13. 7:30pm
Alpha Lodge #729. 7:30pm
Twin Valley Chapter #240. 7:30pm
Franklin Council #14. 7:30pm
Van Wert Council #73. 7:00pm
Fourth Wednesday
Farmersville Lodge #482. 7:30pm
Eaton Chapter #22. 7:00pm
Preble Council #135. 8:00pm
Fourth Thursday
* Minerva Lodge Craft Club. 6:30pm
* Minerva Lodge #98. 7:30pm
King Hiram Lodge #80. 7:30pm
Dayton Lodge #147. 7:30pm
Germantown Lodge #257. 7:30pm
Miami Commandery #21. 7:30pm
Sidney Commandery #46. 7:30pm
Willis Commandery #82. 7:30pm
Fifth Monday
Alpha Council #97 Allied Masonic Degrees 7:30pm
Events at the Miamisburg Temple are marked with an asterisk (*)